Tuesday, February 9, 2021

May the Bluebird of Happiness Smile on You!

Good Morning Everyone!! Oh what a wonderful surprise we had yesterday!! Dear Aunt Debbi and my Identical Cousin Tracie, I wish you could come see these beautiful bluebirds that were visiting our bluebird house yesterday!!

I was SO excited to see Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird both sitting there so pretty on our bluebird house!

Mommie said they are checking it  out to see if it would be suitable for them to live in and raise their family!

They sure stayed a long time and looked it over really good.  And then they talked about it a lot.

Mr. Bluebird flew over to a tree branch and looked around a bit. I think he was looking to see what kind of neighborhood this might be...

I think he liked the pine tree that was nearby just fine. It would give him a nice place to perch while he watches the neighbors and also looks for food.

He came back and told Mrs. Bluebird that he thought this was a fine place to settle down and start their family.

So then Mrs. Bluebird asked Mr. Bluebird to go inside and check it out really good...

I think they were looking around to see if anyone was watching them...

"What do you see in there, Mr. Bluebird?" she asked...

"Let me take a closer look, Mrs. Bluebird"...

"Maybe I better come in and take a look too. I want to be sure it's big enough to raise our babies!"

"I really like it just fine! It's going to be perfect!! When can we move in?"

"Well maybe we'd better take it before some other Bluebird family comes along and wants it."  
"Here, I've got something to start our nest right now!"

"Oh, how wonderful, Mr. Bluebird!  I can't wait start building our nest!"

"Oh, Mr. Bluebird! I am SO happy we found this lovely home right here beside the water! This is a wonderful place!  I wonder what they call it?"

"I think I heard that lady up in the big house call it "Still Waters Pond".  "She said something about The Lord being her Shepherd...and that He led her here beside the still waters so that she could rest and be restored.  I think this is a peaceful and happy place to live.  Oh, I also heard her say something about "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever"....So this must be a very happy and safe place to live."

"Oh, I do hope you are right, Mr. Bluebird. I do so love to be happy, and to spread our happiness wherever we go."

Mommie found these pretty postcards on the computer that have pictures of Bluebirds on them, and they all talk about how the Bluebird brings happiness wherever he goes! 

And then she looked in her special Curio Cabinet and remembered that she had some pretty "Bluebirds of Happiness" figurines that were given to her many years ago by her Grandmother and her mother.

They came with this little poem:

Apparently Bluebirds have been a sign of happiness for many years!

Mommie even has this little "Willow Tree" Angel of "Happiness", with the bluebirds on her outstretched arms!

Mommie said these little vintage postcards (found on the internet) would even make pretty Valentines to send to people this week...so these are kind of our special Bluebird of Happiness Valentines!

While we were writing this this morning, Mommie was drinking from her special bluebird mug, but then she looked at it and thought it looked more like a Baby Blue Jay, but either way, it made us both smile!

Another happy vintage postcard:
(found on the internet)

Then Mommie remembered she had this other real china teacup and saucer that has bluebirds on it:

A special friend gave it to her a long time ago and it really made her happy...

I told Mommie these bluebirds are bringing a lot of happiness to everyone today!!

And that makes ME happy too!

And then, as if we couldn't be happy enough already, we had gone away for awhile this morning because Daddy had to go have some "lab work" done, and after that they were hungry so they went to a place called C.P. Deli to have some pancakes and eggs and bacon:

And all the way home Mommie and I were saying we hoped we could see the bluebirds again when we got back home.  At first they weren't out there, but then when Mommie sat down at her computer to start writing this again, she looked out her window in her "Room with a View", and saw Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird fly back to the birdhouse! So up we jumped and ran to the bigger window so she could take some good pictures of them!! We were so excited to see them come back!!

It looks like they are definitely setting up housekeeping in there!

Mr. Bluebird is standing watch while Mrs. Bluebird goes in and tidies things up a bit:

She comes back again with another something to build the nest...

"Is everything okay in there?" He asks.  "Yes, Mr. Bluebird. I think this is going to be a very fine house indeed!"

Mommie said they look very very happy, and that makes us all happy too!  

Mommie said she probably won't be getting much done around here these days because she wants to watch the bluebirds at their house all day long! I want to watch them too.  This is a brand new adventure for us to enjoy!

We hope this little Bluebird of Happiness story has made YOU happy too!!

Love and Happiness to everyone,

Lily Grace



  1. Oh how fun! The bluebirds sure are pretty. We have them here, but I never see any. Only once did one stop for a visit in our yard and I was so excited! I think we live in an area with too many people around for them. It's not the city, but still, neighbors are everywhere! We have the softly cooing doves, the screeching Blue Jays (one of my favorites), Cardinals, Oriels, Robins (they should come back soon), Sparrows, Finches, a few dear Chickadees (my other favorite), and of course...the crows! We have lots and lots of those and you should hear them on the roof. It sounds as if a herd of elephants is up there stomping around! Thank you for sharing your bluebirds, Lily Grace. I miss my Nana and watching the birds with her and this made me think of her. Have a wonderful day, sweet girl!

    1. Good Morning Miss Stacy! Thank you for visiting and liking our happy bluebirds! Mommie said that maybe if you put a bluebird house in a special spot they might come and stay with you too, but they are kind of particular about where they live. This is the first time we've ever had them come stay in our bluebird house. We are SO excited and hope they will have lots of babies! Mommie said she wished the house were made of glass so she could see what was happening inside...but they wouldn't like that. They like their privacy. Oh yes, we have those big black crows here too, and they are the noisiest birds! Mommie thinks they are building a nest somewhere nearby and they keep fighting with the hawks. Noisy noisy! I hope they don't wake up the bluebird babies when they arrive! I gotta go for now. Thanks for visiting and come back and see what happens next time, okay? Love, Lily Grace

  2. I love that those pretty little blue birds have moved in. I would want to watch them all day too!

    1. Good Morning Miss Martha! Mommie said she's not going to get much done around here, between doing stuff with me and now watching the bluebirds. But she said it's all good. It will keep her out of trouble! I didn't know Mommies could get in trouble too. I thought that was just little kids like me! Anyway, we will share what we see with Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird, so stay tuned! Bye Bye! Love, Lily Grace

  3. You will have a great time watching those Bluebirds.

    1. Good Morning Miss Ruth! Mommie says we will probably just have to set up a chair by the back glass doors and sit there all day and watch them. She said between watching them and having adventures with me, she's not going to be getting much done around here! But we do have fun! Thank you for visiting. We will share more pictures as we can. Have a happy day! Love, Lily Grace

  4. What a thrill, Lily Grace! I think they must feel the love radiating from your home and Still Waters Pond, and that played a big decision where the Mr. and Mrs. decided to put down roots. Do you know, we've got a little glass blue bird, just like your mommy's! Some sweet friend sent it to Tom when he was undergoing chemo. It sure touched our hearts.

    1. Oh Good Morning, Miss Myra! Oh, do you think so? Can birdies feel love ray-de-ating from our house? that must feel really nice and warm and happy, 'cause that is what I feel here too! Mommie says it's because of Jesus. He lives here too, and He makes everyone happy! Oh, Mommie said she is happy you have a little bluebird of happiness like hers! Isn't it sweet? Now you can see why they bring so much happiness to others. They are just so pretty and sweet. I hope your Mr. Tom is better now. I hope you both have a very Happy day all day long! Love, Lily Grace

  5. Oh be still my heart, I'm just loving all the bluebirds today. The birds, the dishes, the poems, all so nice. I hope Mr and Mrs Bluebird stay in their new home, you will be a great neighbor for them.

    1. Good Morning Miss Mary! I am so happy you came to see the pretty bluebirds here with us. Aren't they just wonderful? Mommie says she hopes they will stay and have lots of little baby bluebirds for us to watch and enjoy. That will be a wonderful treat for us to see, and we will try to take lots of pictures to share with everyone! Thank you for coming to visit today. I hope you have a day full of happiness! Love, Lily Grace

  6. Yes, little Lily, these bluebirds made me happy, indeed! So glad this couple has decided to take up residence at Still Waters Pond. I know you'll look forward to watching them build their nests, and when the time comes, to lay their eggs and watch the babies finally emerge in the spring. So much to celebrate!

    1. Oh, Good Morning Miss Martha Jane! I am so happy you came and saw our pretty Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird. Aren't they so sweet? We are so excited that they have chosen our pond and house to build their nest and raise their babies. That will really be fun to watch! Mommie says we will just have to "camp out" in front of the big glass doors so we can watch them all the time and take lots of pictures! I hope you have a day full of happiness too! Love, Lily Grace

  7. What fun you will have, Lily Grace, watching the blue bird family come to life in that precious house!! Please make sure your mommie takes lots of pictures to share with us!! xo

    1. Good Morning Miss Terri! Mommie says that you can be sure she will take lots and lots of pictures...probably more than anyone really wants to see! She said we are going to have to camp out in front of the glass doors so we can watch them! I am SO excited! I hope they have lots of sweet little baby bluebirds. I wish I could see inside their house and watch them, but Mommie says they need some privacy, just like us. Oh, Miss Terri, I do hope that you and Mr. Joe are feeling better today. We are praying for you both. Take care and have a day full of happiness!! Love, Lily Grace XO XO


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