Saturday, March 6, 2021

It Was A Bright Sunny Yellow Kind of Day

Happy Saturday Morning!
Mommie is typing this on Friday night, but she said we won't let you see it until tomorrow morning, so it will be Saturday when you read this. So that is why I said "Happy Saturday Morning" even though it is still Friday! 
Anyway, today, (Friday), was a "bright, sunny, yellow kind of day".
I think, according to the weather report for Saturday on Mommie's phone, it will be a cloudy, rainy, cold and dreary kind of a day, so this little bit of bright sunny yellow should make your day happier! 
I hope so!

For my dear identical cousin Tracie and her Mommie Auntie Debbi and their new friend Amybelle, I wanted you to see these pretty yellow "Carolina Jessamine" flowers again. They are blooming so brightly right now! They are growing all over the little fence next to our house and in the trees, and well, just everywhere we look! They are SO pretty! I wanted you to see them, because they must have come from "Carolina", where you live!

And then, we saw something else so pretty and yellow all day long! Mommie bought a new sock full of finch seeds because the other one was almost empty, so she actually bought a bigger one this time because we have SO many bright yellow pretty Goldfinches eating here every day!

They even like to drink from Bobby the Squirrel's bird bath!

They hang upside down and all around this sock, and they actually fight for a place on here to eat!
Can you imagine fighting for a place to eat on a sock? I thought that was kind of funny!

The birds are starting to get more brightly colored every day. Mommie says they do that in the spring, especially the male Goldfinches.

Some even wait in the trees for their turn on the sock feeder:

Isn't this a pretty one?

Uh Oh! Mr. Great Blue Heron came tip toeing along the shore of Still Waters Pond today, in the bright sunlight! Mommie says most of the time he comes earlier in the morning or late afternoon, and we rarely see him in the bright sunny part of the day. We hope he isn't looking for our little birds...that would not be very nice. We will keep a watch on him. Even if he is pretty, and has a bright yellowish golden bill!

He sure has a long neck!

Mr. or Mrs. Bluebird did not come out of their house while Mr. Heron was about...

Here is something else that is kind of bright, sunny yellow: The sunset!!! The sun was going down down down behind those trees, and it was a bright golden yellow bright we couldn't look at it with our bare eyes. But it sure was pretty!

And here is something else that has some pretty yellow on it. Today's special prayer/verse card:

Mommie said she is going to change these every day...or then again, she is thinking maybe she should just change it every week, and try to memorize the verse.  She's not sure which yet, but I think it is a good idea to have a new verse each day to think about and pray and share with our friends here.
What do YOU think? 
Mommie said the main thing is to read the verse and then to do whatever it says to do. In this case, we are to
which means to be filled will joy while we hope for the things God has promised to do for us, even when we may not see those things happen right away.

"Be PATIENT in affliction"
which means that even when we may be hurting or sad, or waiting for healing, that we should be patient and wait on God and not give up hope.

means to keep on praying, even when we don't see the answers to our prayers as soon as we had hoped.
We should keep trusting God and keep praying
and never give up hope!

I think those are some good things to remember, don't you?  The easy way to remember it for me is like they are special little honey bees:




And I can imagine that if we follow those special little "bees", 
we will BEE Happy!!

I hope you have a bright sunny yellow and happy kind of a day
wherever you are! Even if it is raining...BEE HAPPY!

Bye Bye for now!


Lily Grace




  1. Well, you certainly brightened my day, Miss Lily Grace! The goldfinches are lovely to look at. We sometimes get those at our birdfeeders, but mostly it's pine siskins and red finches these days. You should see all the squirrels that gather under the feeders when Mr. Danny puts piles of sunflower seeds all over so that each squirrel has his or her own stash. We counted sixteen squirrels just yesterday!
    May your Saturday be filled with fun and blessings!

    1. Oh Miss Martha Jane, I always love to hear from you! Maybe our pretty Goldfinches will come back up your way when they head back up north for the summer. Mommie said they don't usually stay here when it starts getting too hot. but they sure are greedy little birds...eating all day long and fighting each other for the best places on the sock! They need a lesson in sharing, I think! Wow, your squirrels are kinds of greedy too, aren't they? Maybe we should send our squirrels up to your house too! LOL. OUrs had LOTS of acorns this winter...and they love to hide them all over the place. I hope you have had a good birthday week. Remember, BEE Happy!! Love,Lily Grace xoxoxoxo

  2. Oh Ms. Lily Grace, you lead a very nice life. So full of fun and adventure! You are one very lucky girl, my friend ((grin)). No spring time here, yet. Oh, maybe soon, the birds are chirping in the bushes outside the window! But we still have snow on the ground. I hope you have a very lovely day, my young friend. P.S. The George's have calmed down and Stephen the Sloth say hi...he is being very lazy today. He actually said to me, "Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu haveeeeeeeeeeeee to goooooooooo tooooooooo workkkkkkkkkkkkk nottttttttttt meeeeeeeeee." He talks that way, by the way, I told you he was lazy. grin

    1. Oh Miss Linda! I would so love to meet Stephen the Sloth. I bet we cold have such fun together!! I could show him how to get outside and enjoy some adventures! And the George family too!!! It has been raining here this morning, but the goldfinches were busy eating their sock anyway!! They don't seem to mind the rain or the sock at all! Ha Ha! Can YOU imagine eating from a sock? I guess if it was clean... Well, I hope you have a good day today at work and that someday soon you will pack up and move down here in the sunny south and we can get to meet you!! Remember, BEE Happy!!

  3. Happy Saturday to you Miss Lily Grace!! I've never seen a seed sock, WoW, is it something only a finch would eat from or do other birds like it too. We have a lot of sparrows that visit our feeders, they make such a mess throwing seed everywhere. I must say, when the feeders are empty they will eat the seed on the ground. The little yellow flowers are so pretty, what a blessing to have that beauty around you. You have so much of God's beauty to enjoy. Tell your Mommy hello for me, sending ((hugs)).

    1. Thank you, and Happy Saturday to YOU too, Miss Mary! Mommie said that mostly just finches eat from the seed sock because it has special seed that finches like...something called Niger, or thistle seed. We bought it at ACE hardware, but they sell it wherever they sell bird seed, like WAlmart, and places like that. Mommie says to tell you hello and sends her love to you too. Hope you are having a happy day. "BEE Happy"!! Love, Lily Grace xoxoxoxo

  4. Happy Saturday, Lily Grace! I do love your Carolina Jessamin blooms. That's my favorite color! A couple of years ago I searched high and low for something called an Alamanda -- the same as my mother used to have when she lived in Florida. Sad to say, mine didn't survive the first winter. Now I'm thinking I need to find another one to show you. Say, where does your momma find the finch sock? My grown-up kids gave us some at Christmas, but Mr. Tom's lost one of them (an empty). He gets such a kick out of watching the wee birds gather. I don't have a nice camera, but will try and get some pictures for you. BEE happy!

    1. Dear Miss Myra, Happy Saturday to you too!! Mommie said to tell you she got the finch sock at ACE hardware, but they sell them at Walmart and most anywhere that sells bird seed. The seed is primarily only for finches. There may be some other little birds who like it, but it is what the Goldfinches like the most. Niger seed...and this one has a mixture of some other little seeds too, but it is meant for them. usually it is best to buy the sock and seed together because the birds will tear little holes in the socks eventually and all the seed will fall out if you keep reusing the sock. There are some tall feeders that are made for finch seed, but the finches seem to like the sock because they can hang on better all over it and more can get on there at once. They seem to be very greedy little birds! Mommie said she had an Alamanda flower once too, and it didn't survive our winter in Florida either! She doesn't like to plant such finicky flowers that require work and covering them up if it gets too cold. She says she tries to stick to more native plants that are meant for this climate. I hope that all makes sense to you. Mommie said mostly she likes God's flowers, a.k.a. wildflowers and weeds, because they grow without any trouble at all. God takes care of them and they come back every year! I hope you will BEE Happy today too!! Love,Lily Grace xoxoxoxoxo

  5. Lily those Jasmine are so pretty and I love their smell also. Those Gold finches are super cute, (sorry for calling them house finches on your mommies post Aren't the Herron comical with that long neck. Looking foreard to seeing the bluebirds when the get babies... hope you have a blessed week.

    1. Good Morning Miss Gina! Thank you for visiting us!!Yes, the Jasmine is beautiful. This particular Carolina Jessamine doesn't seem to have such a nice fragrance as the regular jasmine, however. I couldn't really smell it at all. Maybe I should go try again! Our Gold finches were so happy, and then a big old raccoon knocked down their seed sock and ripped it open and spilled out all the seeds on the ground, so today Mommie wants to go get another, but she will put it higher so the raccoon can't reach it. I hope the birdies will come back. They all disappeared yesterday because there was no food for them. Made me really sad. And yes, we love to watch the Herons around here, as long as they don't eat baby birds...I hope not. Sometimes nature can be very complicated, but God made them all and they all have to eat...that's what mommie said. So we will pray nothing gets our baby birds when they appear. I hope you have a blessed week too. Praying for you and Mr. Gator. Love, Lily Grace xoxoxoxo


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