Thursday, July 1, 2021

Friday Foto Friends with Lily Grace

Hi Friends!! It's Friday again already!  And guess what? I've got another Popsicle Quiz for you!! Are you ready?

"What kind of shoe does a thief wear?"

I bet everyone will guess this one.  It's so simple...

Did you guess it?  That one was too easy. Even I could guess that one!!

So, what have you been doing this week? I can't believe it is already July 1st! (we are writing this on Thursday night).  Mommie said this month has just flown right by!!
Just like this speeding choo choo train...flying right by us!  (I wish that was me in that picture, out there fishing with a doggy down by the river! Wouldn't that be fun?)
(Painting by John Sloane in the Country Seasons Calendar for July)

Been spending some time reading with my friends...

And having tea parties with my other special friends:

And taking walks in the woods with Mommie and Daddy:

Looky at this beautiful delicate little parasol looking mushroom we found in the woods:

Doesn't it look like an umbrella?  It's so pretty and dainty.

So is this pretty little blueish purplish flower...they were growing all around us:

And these interesting fuzzy, velvety brown fungi were growing on the side of an old tree limb on the ground:

Aren't they interesting?  They really looked a lot of brown velvet!

Look how many of them on the sides of that old dead tree limb!  Mommie says that's where fungi like to grow, on dead wood! Isn't that strange?
I like all the different kinds of textures of wood and bark and leaves and stuff in these pictures, don't you? Never thought there could be such interesting patterns and beauty in old dead stuff, did you?
Mommie says that's still all a part of God's amazing creation! There is so much to see and appreciate when we just open our eyes and look!!

Oh, and here's another strange looking mushroom! It's kind of all black and speckled.

Mommie said these aren't the kind of mushrooms that we can eat, but they are very interesting to look at. I like the contrast of the green leaves next to all the brown and black stuff, don't you?

Mommie said I needed to give you an important announcement regarding your visit here by email.  She already posted this on her blog, "Closed Doors, Open Windows."  but in case you missed it, here it is again:

" If you notice up in the right hand corner of the sidebar, I have added a button for a new way to  follow this blog by email, called:

If you currently follow my blog(s) via email notification only, starting in July the previous method (Feedburner) will no longer be sending notification of my new posts to you by email.  In order to receive this notification, you will have to resubscribe using this new link to "Follow It."  I do hope you will continue to follow my posts via email by using this new method. If you also follow me on The Adventures of Lily Grace  via email, you will have to go over to that blog page and select the "Follow this blog" icon there as well.

 So that is the important announcement! If you follow me here only by email, please be sure to click on that button and resubmit your email or you will miss my future posts, and I know you don't want to do that!!

Mommie said this weekend is very important because we will be celebrating the 4th of July, which is our Independence Day! I've never done that before, so I can't wait to see what we will do that is special. I know we will have our American flag out on the front porch! We always do that every day, because we are very proud to be Americans and live in the best country in the world! I hope we will also have some kind of picnic or do something special with our family. How about you? Will you be doing something special to celebrate this weekend? I hope so! Be sure to take some pictures and share it with us!

Okay, bye bye for now friends!

Happy 4th of July!!


Lily Grace



  1. Lily Grace: My husband and I have planned on having hot dogs and hamburgers over the weekend. He has already bought a watermelon for us to have. Our son is going camping. He will be with us the following weekend. Our church is having an All-Church picnic right after service on Sunday. I am not certain I am going to stay for it. I know you will enjoy your holiday. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Oh Yummy! Watermelon!!! And Hot Dogs and Hamburgers too??? Can I come stay at YOUR house, Miss Quiet Spirit? I would LOVE to visit with you and enjoy that good food with you. Mommie said we will probably have some hamburgers and/or hot dogs too, and yes, probably some watermelon too. Not sure when yet. Our church is waiting to have their picnic next weekend so people can do their own family things this weekend. That was nice. I hope I can go. Peace and blessings to you and your family too!

  2. Good evening Lily Grace! Sadly, I failed the popsicle test; all that came to mind was 'loafers.' How wonderful (that) your mommy's teaching you to notice so many things in nature. I almost expected to see a Fairy in there, crafting her own little garden! We're just going over to my son's place Saturday; a low key holiday. But I'll try and remember to take pictures.
    Oh, I forgot to tell mommy last night, but yes. I signed up both on her blog and yours. Thanks for making this so easy!

    1. Oh, Miss Myra! I am SO sorry you failed the popsicle test! But "loafers" is a good guess. People who "loaf" sometimes steal things because they are too lazy to work, Mommie says. So she said that was a good guess! I don't know what loafers are. Do they still make that kind of shoe? Mommie said she used to wear them in school a LONG time ago! Oh, you are right! A little fairy would have been very happy with that pretty parasol umbrella mushroom! And those nice brown velvety cushions would be nice on the fairy's sofa! I must tell Mommie that we need to make a fairy garden soon. Oh, I do hope you will take some pictures to share of your holiday at your son's place. That sounds like fun. And Mommie is happy you signed up for both our blogs! Now you shouldn't miss a thing!! Yippee!! Thank you for visiting me tonight. I hope you have a nice weekend. Love, Lily Grace

  3. Happy 4th of July to you and your 'family' Lily Grace!! I loved seeing all the pictures you shared today! Happy July! xo

    1. Thank you Miss Terri! I am so glad you popped in for a visit! I hope you have a happy 4th of July too! And Happy Friday too! Love, Lily Grace xoxoxoxo

  4. Hi, Miss Lily Grace! I did love the photos you shared with us today. Isn't it amazing how God uses even dead trees to support new life? Reminds me of the resurrection. Hope you have a wonderful Fourth of July, little one. It is indeed the time to give thanks for our great country.

    1. Oh, yes, Miss Martha Jane! I do love how God uses dead things to bring new things back to life. It is just like the Resurrection He told us about in the Bible. Old becomes new...Jesus gives us new life when we give up our old life to Him. That's good news!! Hope you had a Happy 4th of July too! Love, Lily Grace xoxoxo

  5. Great pictures Lily Grace. Thank you for sharing you adventures. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Miss Cathy. I am glad you enjoyed the pictures. I hope you had a great 4th of July weekend too. We surely did. I wrote more about it today. Bye bye for now. Love, Lily Grace xoxoxo

  6. Lily Grace, the riddle stumped me. How embarrassing! I could only think of "creepers." That isn't even a shoe, I don't think. I meant the kind with rubber soles. Oh well! I enjoyed seeing the fungi, especially that dainty parasol one. Maybe a fairy plays with it and acts like it is her umbrella. Happy Fourth to you, we are going to light "smoke balls" and look at the colored smoke.

    1. I do believe the fairies love those parasols! I am pretty sure I could hear them singing when we walked by. I wish I could see pictures of your "smoke balls". I've never seen one of those before! I hope you had a great time!! We did! Bye bye for now. Love, Lily Grace


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