Sunday, July 25, 2021

Baby Bluebirds and Roses

Wow! It sure has been an exciting couple of days here on Still Waters Pond!  

I've been spending most of my time sitting in front of our window that looks out toward the Bluebird House, watching the comings and goings of Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird, as they have been coaxing their baby birds to get out of the nest and fly!  There's one now! He was getting pretty brave and almost out of the house...

This has been my perch, on the table inside the window, where I had a front row seat to watch for the baby birdies to come out.

I was getting dizzy watching them so much as the babies would take turns sticking their heads out of the house and Mama and Daddy would come by with interesting looking berries and bugs, teasing them with them so they would want to come out and fly on their own.

Hey! You come back here with that! I'm starving!!

We weren't too sure how many birdies were inside the house, but we knew there were at least two, as you can see another little beak sticking up in the window here below:

Hey! Who are YOU looking at?  I'm stuck in there with my siblings, and it is very HOT in here!! Somebody please come and get us out of here!!

Wow, he's getting braver and coming out further and further, but this went on all day yesterday and into the early evening last night:

Then suddenly the first brave birdie flew out of the nest and onto our porch, right in front of me!!!!

He sat there looking around and chirping, as if to say, "Now what do I do? It's getting dark, and I don't know where to go or what to do!"

I was getting kind of scared for him, because it was getting darker and we hadn't seen Mama or Daddy fly by in a little while. Could they have already flown away and not known that the baby had come out of the nest?

Would they come and get him, or would he have to sit there all night by himself, wishing he was safe back inside the birdhouse with his siblings, who were still poking their heads out and calling to him?

Mommie said we should say a little prayer for him to be able to fly to safety with his parents before it got any darker.

And so we did.  Mommie said that God watches over the birdies and we shouldn't worry. He will take care of this little one.

He just kept hopping around and looking lost and alone.

He even looked back toward me, and I was telling him to "Fly, fly, be free! Your Mama and Daddy are up there waiting for you! You'll be safe with them!"

He seemed so uncertain of what to do that we were all getting a bit concerned for him.

But then, before we could blink our eyes, he took off and flew up to the nearest tree, and we could hear his Mama and Daddy chattering away at him to help him find them before it got dark.  But the other babies were still in the nest, and it was too dark for them to come out last night.  

This morning when we woke up we kept watching the bird house to see what would happen to the other babies.  One by one they kept peeking outside and looking around, and Mama and Daddy came to encourage them to come on out and join the rest of the family.

And, praise God! We were excited to see not one, not two, but three more birdies fly out of the nest, one by one, and off and up into the trees with the rest of the family!!

Mommie did get a few more pictures of the last one leaving the nest, but she discovered that she had forgotten to put the memory card back inside the camera, and so those pictures are trapped inside the internal memory of her camera and she does not have a cord to attach that will transfer them to the computer...(it's an older camera). She has ordered one from Amazon...that big place that seems to have everything somewhere out there in cyberspace, and it will get here sometime next week, so we will have to wait to see those other pictures then.  Bummer! 
But it was a very exciting morning, and we got to see all of them leave the nest before Mommie and Daddy had to leave home to go to church this morning! Yay!!!

Daddy said it reminded him of how it will be one day when we leave this earth for heaven. All of our loved ones and Jesus will be waiting for us up there, calling to us and welcoming us home from our earthly journey.  We will finally be free of this old earth and all of the darkness and worries and fears, and we will be safe on the other side!
What a glorious day that will be!

Speaking of loved ones, yesterday Mommie and I found this rose blooming in the Secret Memorial Garden. Mommie said this is the rosebush that was planted in memory of my big brother Matthew, who is up in heaven waiting for us someday.  
Mommie said this rosebush always seems to bloom on or around special days.

It started to bloom on Friday, July 23rd, which was our Nanny Steiner's birthday. Nanny is in heaven too, and she would have been 98 years old on that day.  
So we picked the rose yesterday and brought it inside and put it in a special vase so we could watch it open up even prettier and enjoy it in memory of Nanny.

Mommie said you probably already read all about Nanny Steiner's birthday over on Mommie's other blog: Closed Doors, Open Windows.  I wish I could have met her. Mommie said she is sure she would have loved me because I have pretty green eyes just like hers.

Well, I guess that's about it.  Oh, I helped Mommie fold the laundry yesterday too.
Here I am sitting in the laundry basket after I got to take a ride in it from the dryer to the living room! Whee! That was so much fun! Have YOU ever ridden in a laundry basket full of clothes before? Maybe when you were really really little?

Mommie told me the story about the Baby Moses in the Bible, who was put in a special basket in the river, to save him from the mean king. But the mean king's daughter found him and kept him for her own baby and the mean king couldn't do anything to hurt him then. Moses grew up to be a very strong leader, and he led the people of Israel out of Egypt across the Red Sea, and a lot of other amazing stuff. Mommie said you can read more about Moses in the book of Exodus in the Bible. He was one of God's special people that God used to do many wonderful things that changed the world! 

I wonder what kind of things I could do to help change the world? What about you?
God's Word says to 
"Commit your actions to the Lord,
and your plans will succeed."
Proverbs 16:3

That sounds like a good plan to me!!

Meanwhile, let's stop and smell the roses and enjoy the beautiful things God has given us:

Bye bye for now dear friends!

Lily Grace



  1. The rose is just beautiful, and so was Nanny Steiner! I really enjoyed this blog about the baby birds and am glad they are all safely out of the nest and learning how to be big birds!! Thanks for sharing all the photos with us, Lily Grace!!

    1. Thank you Miss Terri! I am happy you could visit me here and that you enjoyed hearing about our baby bluebirds again! Mommie said this is probably the last brood for this year, and we will have to wait and see if they come back to have another family next year. It sure was exciting watching them leave the nest, one by one! All FOUR of them!! They sure must have been crowded in that little tiny house! Can you imagine? I hope you have a nice day. Please come again. Love, Lily Grace xoxoxoxo

  2. Aw, Lily ... you're such an enjoyable narrator/author! I was on the edge of my seat, anxious to hear how the baby bluebirds graduated their nursery. No doubt, I'll never regard our feathered friends in quite the same way.
    Love how Nanny's rose bloomed on her earthly birthday. That's touched my heart.

    1. Thank you Miss Myra! I love to tell about the exciting things happening around us every day! The baby bluebirds leaving the nest was quite an adventure for sure! We were sure surprised to discover there were four baby birds stuffed inside that little bird house! It had to be so hot and cramped in there. No wonder they were so happy to finally be free! Oh, and yes, the rose is still blooming so beautifully, and it smells so good too! Thank you for visiting me! Love, Lily Grace xoxoxoxo

  3. So glad that it was a happy ending for the bluebird family, Miss Lily Grace, and that you got to see it all! I realized in reading your post that your Nanny's birthday is the same as my granddaughter, Alexandra's. Knowing that will help me remember your sweet Nanny, too.
    Enjoy the beautiful rose as it opens more and more, little one.

    1. Thank you, Miss Martha Jane. Yes, it was a happy ending for the bluebird family. They have all flown away now and we have not seen them since. So I hope they are happy learning how to hunt for their own bugs and grasshoppers and stuff. Oh, your granddaughter Alexandra just had a birthday? I hope she had a wonderful day! Mommie showed me a picture of her with her new backpack that you gave her. I know she will love that. I would love one like that too!! And yes, the rose we picked for Nanny Steiner is still blooming!! We are enjoying it and thinking of her every day. I know she would be happy to know that a little girl named Alexandra was born on her birthday! That is very special. I hope you have a wonderful week. Love, Lily Grace xoxoxoxo

  4. Lily Grace: I enjoyed reading about and seeing the bluebirds. Thank you for sharing this with us. God will take care of them. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Thank you Miss Cecelia! We haven't seen the bluebirds since they left the nest! I hope they are happy wherever they are, and that they are learning how to take good care of themselves. Yes, God will take care of them and they will grow up to be big and strong and someday have babies in their own birdhouses. I hope you have a good rest of your week. Love, Lily Grace xoxoxoxoxo

  5. So wonderful to hear about and see those wonderful baby bluebirds. They are so pretty. Thanks for sharing the beautiful rose too! God is so good!

    1. Thank you, Miss Cathy. They were so much fun to watch, and now they are gone away, but I am sure God is taking good care of them and they are learning how to hunt for bugs on their own. And yes, we are still enjoying the beautiful rose! It's so pretty. And yes, God IS so good! Bye bye for now. Love, Lily Grace xoxoxo

  6. A very exciting post today, Lily Grace! I was worried about the baby bird right along with you! What a pretty rose, so much like life: Beauty among thorns!

    1. Oh Miss Holly Rose, Thank you for caring about our little baby birds. And yes, it was exciting to see them leave the nest one by one. I am sure God is taking good care of them now, teaching them how to hunt for themselves. And yes, the rose is still beautiful, and it does have thorns! I pricked my finger when we put it in the vase, but it is so pretty and smells so good I didn't mind at all. Thank you for visiting me again. I always love to hear from you. Have a blessed week. Love, Lily Grace xoxoxoxo


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