Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Lily Grace and the Monster

Good Morning Friends! It seems like forever since I last wrote to you! It's been a busy week for Mommie and Daddy, and so I've mostly been staying home with my friends.
We have a good time singing and reading stories and stuff. 

But yesterday I had quite an adventure that I must tell you about!  For many weeks we have driven past this store nearby, and I keep seeing this huge dinosaur out in front of it!  I keep telling Daddy to stop the car because I want to go see the dinosaur, but we are usually in a hurry or there is too much traffic or something and so we've never stopped.  

Until yesterday!

But when we did finally stop and I got out of the car, I realized just how BIG that dinosaur was, and he had such huge sharp teeth and long pointed claws, and I was suddenly very scared of the big "monster"!

It made me feel like he was chasing me, and I was really really scared and wanted to get back in the car right away!

Yikes! He was so big, he could have swallowed me whole, if Mommie wasn't holding on to me really tight!

I wanted to run away as fast as I could and hide away from his big sharp teeth and fierce eyes and claws. I was really frightened.

Mommie said when we feel afraid we should always pray to Jesus.

And so I did pray. I prayed that Jesus would protect me from the big monster, and hold me safe in His hands, away from danger and scary things.

The more I prayed, the farther away I got from the monster dinosaur.

The farther away I got, the smaller he became.

As I prayed for Jesus to protect me, He helped me get farther and farther away, and then I could see that the monster really wasn't going to hurt me, and I didn't need to be afraid.

And pretty soon I was safely away, and Mommie and Daddy carried me back to the car where I felt safe and protected again.

Mommie read this devotional to me that my "Auntie Opal" gave me. I like what this says:

It is good to know that God is always with me, even when I am afraid of big monsters. He will protect me and rescue me from my fears. I just have to pray and trust Him and believe.

I hope you have a nice day!! 
"With God all things are possible!"
Matthew 19:26



  1. It's so good to be reminded that we don't need to be afraid. I don't know why sometimes I fear things. I have to remind myself. For goodness sakes, Cathy, you are a child of God and no one or nothing can do anything to you that He doesn't allow and He will go with you through everything. Thanks Lily Grace for the reminder.

    1. Thank YOU, Miss Cathy, for visiting and understanding what it's like to be afraid sometimes! We are so blessed to know Jesus, aren't we? He helps us through the scary times of our lives, and we don't have to be afraid anymore. Thank you for your thoughts on this. I hope you have a happy rest of your week. Love, Lily Grace.

  2. What a beautifully told experience, Lily Grace. Why, I'd have been scared of the dinosaur monster, too!

    Sometimes the dinosaurs in my mind get to overwhelming me in the middle of the night so you knokw what? I'm saving these devotionals (images) and print them out to keep near. Thank you for sharing them!

    1. Oh Miss Myra! It really was scary! But when I started praying to Jesus, my fears went away, and the big old monster dinosaur just got smaller and smaller and I knew I didn't have to fear him anymore. Mommie said it is good to remember these Bible verses and messages that help us not be afraid. I'm glad you visited today, and I hope you have a wonderful week. Bye bye for now, Love, Lily Grace.

  3. Oh my goodness! I would of def. been afraid too. We are currently preparing the George family and Stephen the Sloth for a move to another house...potential new move, we shall see...there is talk though of a rebellion by Stephen because this is the only house he has known...the George family though, have been very kind and patient. ALTHOUGH, I have to say, Baby Georgette, now, she has been a little hyper lately. grin

    1. Oh Miss Linda! I am SO excited that you and the George Family and Stephen the Sloth are going to get to move to a new house soon. I know it is kind of scary making all those big decisions and changes, but God is with you and He will guide you and help you. That's what my Mommie said, and she's had to make lots of big moves and decisions before. She said God is always right here with us so we don't need to be afraid, no matter where we go! Thank you for visiting. We are praying for you!! Bye bye for now. Love, Lily Grace

  4. Wow, Miss Lily Grace, that certainly was a close encounter! It's natural to be afraid of "monsters" in our lives, but knowing that God is holding us close can calm and relieve us of our fears. I'm so glad your Mommie is teaching you to pray to our loving Father.
    Looking forward to your next adventure, little one!

    1. Thank you, Miss Martha Jane. Yes, it was a scary encounter, but when I started praying, Jesus helped me to not be afraid anymore. That is something we all need to remember when we are afraid, to put our trust in Jesus, and He will take care of us and take away our fears. Thank you for visiting. I will be praying for you and Mr. Danny too. Bye Bye for now. Love, Lily Grace

  5. A very good lesson you have shared today, Lily Grace. Thank you.

    1. Oh, Thank you, Miss Laurel Wood! (I love your name!) Yes, isn't it good to know that Jesus is there for us whenever we call on His name? He is always ready to take away the big monsters that frighten us. Mommie says He's only a prayer away! That is so good to remember, isn't it? Thank you for visiting me today. I hope you will come again soon! Love, Lily Grace

  6. I really appreciate the devotionals you shared. And Lily Grace's wonderful adventure that lead to a deep understanding of the protection He always offers.

    1. Oh thank you, Miss Holly! I am so glad you came to visit and that you also know how Jesus protects us when we are afraid. We are so blessed to know that God is with us wherever we go, aren't we? Thank you! I hope you will come and visit me again soon. Love, Lily Grace

  7. Thank you, Lily Grace. It’s so true that when we move closer to Jesus, the dinosaurs get much smaller. “Whenever I am afraid I will trust in You.” Psalm 56:3 I have to remind myself of that all the time.

    1. Oh, Thank you, Miss Nonnie! You have shared a good verse to remember whenever I am afraid. It is so good to know that we can trust in Jesus to take care of us any time we are afraid, and He will make the monsters go away. I hope you have a happy day today. Thank you for visiting me. Love, Lily Grace

  8. Your mommy is teaching you some very good lessons, Lily Grace! I liked this one. We don't have to be afraid because God is always with us. Your story made me think of the song (I can't remember who sings it...maybe Veggie Tales?), God Is Bigger Than The Boogie Man. You can probably find it on YouTube if you want to hear it. Thank you for sharing your adventure!

  9. Oh, Thank you, Miss Stacy! I must ask Mommie to look up that song. I would love to hear it! That is comforting as well as kind of funny! Thank you. Have a happy day. Love, Lily Grace

  10. With God, all things really are possible!! You learned a great lesson, Lily Grace!! I'm proud of you!!


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