Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Lily Grace Makes Some New Friends!

Good Morning Friends in Bloggy Land!  It seems like it's been ages since I've shared any new adventures with you!

Well, maybe that's because I've been so busy enjoying getting acquainted with some new special friends!  I would like to introduce to you my beautiful little horsey, "Bella".

Bella was looking for a new home because she was unhappy living at the local flea market in a box out in the hot sun.  When Mommie saw her, she knew that she would be well loved and taken care of here at our house!! I was sure surprised when Mommie and Daddy brought Bella home and told me that she was to be my new friend!

Of course I fell in love with her at once!! She is so beautiful! That is why I named her "Bella", because the name "Bella" means beautiful in the Italian, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese and Latin languages! (Yes, of course I can speak all those different languages fluently! Ha Ha! Just kidding!  Bet I fooled you!)

I did try to ride Bella, but we decided that Bella is just a bit too small for me to ride.  But she is still my very special friend and I love her so much!

I wanted to introduce her to some of my other friends, especially the Teddy Bears and dolls in my room.  But then Mommie had another surprise for me!  

We like to read some of Mommie's old books that she's had since she was a little girl like me.  And when she found this book, "Ginger the Paper Doll",  Mommie had another surprise for me!  "Ginger" the paper doll was named after one of Mommie's special dollies from her childhood, "Ginger" the Ginny Doll!  Isn't she lovely?  Mommie said she is very delicate because she is so old...maybe more than 65 years old!! Wow! I guess that is why she is retired and lives in Mommie's antique china closet with Barbie and the Madame Alexander girls.  (That's another story for another time, Mommie said). 


Anyway, this little book was written many many years ago (1957 to be exact!), and it came with a paper doll that looked just like our Ginger, and it had lots of pretty clothes that you could cut out and put on the paper doll to change her outfits along with the story in the book.  Sadly, the paper doll and her clothes are long gone.  But the book has wonderful pictures and a great story to go along with them!

Ginger was a lovely ballerina, and could dance so daintily!! I wish I could be a ballerina!!

And then Ginger got to take a walk in the park in the snow, and she got to go sledding and skating on the ice!  Wow! That looks like a lot of fun! We don't get any snow or ice here where I live, but if we did, I sure would love to go out and play in it! Do you get snow and ice where you live?  Can I come and visit you?

Oh, now, this is more like where I live!  We can go to the seashore and play in the sand and jump in the waves.  And we can go to the park and swing on the swings...

And NOW, since I have a horsie named Bella, I can be a cowgirl too, just like Ginger! See her nice hat and boots?  I have a hat and boots too!!

Oh lookie!  Ginger has a lovely party dress and gets to go to parties with her friends!
I have a party dress too!  And I've had LOTS of parties with my friends!

Wasn't that a lot of fun?  I love making new friends, don't you?

I am happy Mommie brought Bella home to live with me, and also I am happy that we found this little book about Ginger and now I also have the real Ginger as my special friend!!!

I would say that's all quite the adventure! Wouldn't you?
And now it's time for me to put on my pajamas too, and go to sleep, just like Ginger the paper doll! 
It's been a long day, full of fun and play.
Good Night Friends!

Thank you for being my special friends!
Lily Grace

Oh, here are some special thoughts about being a real friend to others...and also how to be a better friend to myself!! Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so!


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Lily Grace Does the Tuesday 4 Meme


Tuesday 4

What Are You Doing Lately?

Note from our friend Annie over at Cottage By The Sea, who is our weekly hostess with the mostest!

"Welcome. I am still not back to normal but, I am trying.. here are this week's questions. As always they are in memory of Toni Taddeo."

We are thankful to Annie for putting this together for us each week, and hope that she is feeling better.  

Mommie said I could do the questions this week since I haven't had a post in a little while.  So here we go...Mommie said she would help me with the answers because I may not understand all of the questions very well.

1. Reading anything good lately? How about magazines? Do you buy any?
Well, since this is Lily Grace talking, here's something I was reading to my friends today:
"Children's Letters to God", (The New Collection)
Compiled by Stuart Hample and Eric Marshall, Illustrated by Tom Bloom
Workman Publishing, New York.  
I thought you might like to see a few examples of the letters the children wrote to God:

Aren't those great?  Mommie said she hasn't been doing much reading lately, except for her Bible and daily devotions, and all of your blogs.  The only magazine she still gets is "Better Homes and Gardens", but she said she will probably drop that with the next renewal because magazines just have too many advertisements and not enough good stuff to look at anymore.

2. Do you belong to any clubs, societies, or do you meet with friends regularly to chat?

I meet with my special friends every day. We talk about Jesus, we have tea and cookies, and we sing lots of songs like "This Little Light of Mine", "Jesus Loves Me", "If You're Happy and You Know it, Clap your Hands"...Stuff like that.

Oh, and my identical cousin Tracie and her Mommie, My Auntie Debbi, sent me a wonderful little package in the mail yesterday! It was so much fun to hear from her and get something in the mail. We also "talk"  to each other in emails quite often.  

Look at this fun envelope, with all kinds of stickers and writing and stuff. We have so much fun!

And these are the cute things Tracie sent me.

Mommie's answer to this question is that she belongs to her church, and the ladies' group in the church that meets once a month for fellowship and to pray for and work on special outreach projects, and also she belongs to the Women's Bible Study, that will start back up in September.  Mommie said when she was younger she used to participate in a lot more things, but now that she is retired, she doesn't like to do so many different things. She enjoys retirement! And she enjoys blogging and meeting blogging friends to "chat" here every day!

3. Where are you from originally and if you moved why did you move?

Well, I originally lived in Charleston, SC, with my Auntie Debbie and identical cousin Tracie. They discovered me at a special place, and wanted to share me with a special friend, my Mommie Pamela. So they wrapped me up in a very special package, and the mailman delivered me right to Mommie's front door!  She was so excited to find me there, and she fell in love with me and decided that I was so wonderful that I needed to write my own stories here on this blog!   Here is a link to my very first adventure!

Mommie says that she was born in Pennsylvania, but moved to Florida when she was almost 6 years old, and started first grade in Florida. She grew up there and then when she got married she and my Daddy moved to many different places where he was a preacher and a teacher and stuff.  Anyway, now they are retired and live in Florida again! The end.

4. Do you like a good Western Movie? Who was your favorite movie/TV Cowboy?
Uh Oh! I do not think I have ever seen a good western movie, nor do I know any tv cowboys.  Mommie hasn't shared any of those with me yet, but she says we will talk about it later.

Mommie used to love to watch Roy Rogers and Dale Evans when she was little, and Bonanza, and lots of other westerns, and she loved John Wayne movies and lots of other westerns.  Anyone growing up in the 50's and 60's probably watched a lot of westerns because they were very popular.  

Well, I guess that's all folks!  I hope you enjoyed reading our answers! Now we will come and visit you and read your answers too!

Be sure to go over to  and check out everyone else's stories today!

Easter Time!

Happy Easter Time everyone!!  Yesterday was Easter, and I hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating that Jesus came out of the dark damp ...