Friday, March 4, 2022

Friday Foto Friends, It's Me again!!

 Hi friends!! It's been a while since I visited with you. Mommie says to tell you it's all her fault! She's been busy with other things or wasn't feeling well, and so I haven't been able to go on very many "adventures" lately.  But since Mommie didn't have anything special to share today for Friday Foto Friends, she said I could do it for her.  So here we go!!

Yesterday morning Mommie baked some yummy delicious blueberry-bran muffins!!

I asked her if we could have a little tea party to celebrate! So Mommie said that would be fun!
She brought out her little Madame Alexander dolls, Miss Ireland and Miss Scotland, and we are all dressed up in anticipation of St. Patrick's Day coming on March 17th!  

My puppy Bailey wanted to join us too!

Oh, and the "fairies" were welcome too!

Oh, lookie! Strawberries!! They are so sweet and juicy and good right now!!

I told Mommie that the fairies needed some little teacups so they could have tea too, so she found this tiny little tea set just for them.

As you can see, we had a lovely tea party and a good time was had by all!!

OH, I wanted to show you these pretty Goldfinches who have been visiting our yard lately:

Mommie said this is a male Goldfinch, and he loves that niger seed that is in that sock!

Isn't he beautiful?

And Mommie thinks these are female Goldfinch. There have been lots and lots of them, but they seem to eat seeds on the ground, so she isn't sure if that is what they are or not, but they are pretty too!

Okay, and here's my last pictures. This is my Daddy! Isn't he handsome?  Well, Mommie sure thinks so. She took this picture of him the other day while they were on a walk. Mommie said she had never seen that shirt before...apparently it was a Christmas gift from his brother and sister in law, but with all the commotion on Christmas Mommie said she never saw it when he opened it!

And Mommie said she liked it so well she wished she had one like it too! But anyway, she said I could share it with you. 

Mommie said, "Life IS good", and we are very thankful for all that God has done for us. We are praying for the people of Ukraine especially right now, because they are under attack  by a fierce enemy, and they really need God's help to survive.  So we are praying for them every day.

Mommie is going to go help my big brother Benton at their store in St. Augustine today...
"Dixie Cottage"

That's my big brother Benton and Auntie Rose now. This was taken last year, almost exactly one year ago, when they opened the doors for their store for the first time!
They stay very very busy and need lots of help, so Mommie says she will go and help out today.

So, that's it for today, friends!
I hope you enjoyed this little "adventure" with me!

Lily Grace


  1. What a fun tea party you had, Miss Lily Grace. You made me feel like I was right there with you! Love Daddy's shirt, too - we need to remember that we can say life is good because there is a God who loves us so much. Like you, I'm praying for those precious people in the Ukraine who are under attack through no fault of their own. May God help them!
    Blessings, little one!

    1. Oh good morning Miss Martha! I am sorry I've taken so long to respond to your nice note. Mommie says it's all her fault because she's been busy. Thank you for your nice comments and also for praying for the people of Ukraine. Especially the children. I think of them because so many are having to leave their homes and even their daddies because their daddies have to stay and protect their country. It must be very sad for them. So yes, we must keep praying. I hope you are having a good week. We are here. We might get some rain today! That's okay, because we need it. Bye bye for now. Love, Lily Grace and Bailey too! xoxoxoxo

  2. Good evening, Lily Grace! Why, you and your friends (and Bailey) look positively fetching. Such pretty teapots your mommy's arranged! Yes, your daddy looks very handsome in his new shirt. Methinks happy = handsome.
    I'm happy to join you all in prayer for the people of Ukraine.

    1. Good Morning Miss Myra! I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your nice note. Mommie says she's been busy so it's all her fault. I am so happy you came to visit. Bailey also sends you wet kisses and a big "woof woof" hello! Thank you for praying for the people in Ukraine with us. It makes me so sad to see so many children being sent away from their homes and some are even being hurt badly. We really must pray. Thank you. Love, Lily Grace and Bailey too. xoxoxoxo

  3. Good Evening Lily, Grace! What an adventure with you friends. So glad to see you stop by for your mommie. I love your dress just beautiful. And I also collect day I will get them out of storage and share some pics. Joining in prayer for Ukraine. PS tell your mommie I have new bw pics up hope you have a great weekend

    1. Oh Miss Gina, I am so happy you stopped in for a visit! Sorry I am behind in answering! I've been so busy playing with my friends that I got behind in my messages! I love it when people write to me, so please come back again! Oh, I'd love to see your teapots...and also your little friends Sarah and the others. I hope they can visit me sometime too. Yes, we must pray for the people in Ukraine. So many children are being hurt and that makes me very sad. Please take care and stay warm and cozy in your new home! Love, Lily Grace and Bailey too! xoxoxxo

  4. Hi Lilly Grace, it is good to meet you. I am sure you have wonderful adventures and yes Life is Good.
    Lovely photos

    1. Good Morning Miss Cheryl! Thank you for visiting me for the first time! I wish I could have met your little grandson when he was down here not long ago! He looked like he was having such a good time at the beach. I went to the beach once, and I loved it too! I went to St. Augustine too, and visited my big brother and auntie Rose's store, Dixie Cottage. It was so much fun. I hope you will visit me again soon. Love, Lily Grace xoxoxox

  5. I greatly enjoyed your post, Lily Grace. It was very cheering! I love the little fairy tea set with its tiny pansies! The fairies will sip their drops of tea in style! I am with you about Ukraine and have been praying and praying for them. See you later, sweet Lily Grace!

    1. Oh Miss Holly! I am SO happy to hear from you again! I always look forward to your notes! They make me happy too! Yes, the little fairies have been having a grand time with the tea set. They keep asking for more tea please! They are such fun to play with. Thank you for praying for the good people of Ukraine. That is so very sad to see. So many little children are being hurt and/or are being sent far away from their homes and having to leave their Daddies behind to fight in the war. That makes me very sad. We are praying every day. May God please find a way to stop this war before more people are hurt. Thank you for visiting me today Miss Holly. I hope you are doing well. Mommie said you have some tulips and daffodils! We don't have any of those here unless we buy them at the store. Maybe we should go get some. I'd like to see some. I hope you have a happy day today. Thank you for writing. Love, Lily Grace and Bailey too! (woof woof!) xoxoxoxo

  6. One of these days I intend to visit your brother's store in St. Augustine! Your tea party pictures are just great, Lily Grace! It is good to read your post and I am late getting around to my blogging friends, but here I am!! Life IS good!! xo

    1. Oh Miss Terri, you must go visit Dixie Cottage soon! But be sure to let Mommie know when you are going so she can go meet you there too, and maybe she'll even take me along! IT would be so much fun to see you again. Thank you for visiting. I hope you are having a very good week. Love, Lily Grace and Bailey! xoxoxox woof woof!

  7. I am looking forward to meeting you Ms. Lily Grace, very soon! Smiles...p.s. Stephen the Sloth and the monkey family have not been behaving...they are all fighting in who gets to ride in the car. Space is very limited, as they will have share space with our dog. smiles

    1. Oh Miss Linda! Mommie told me that you are moving to Florida where we live and that we might get to meet you and Mr. Dave and Stephen the Sloth and the Monkey Family very soon!! I am SO excited to hear this wonderful news! I hope they all find a space in the car and that the dog doesn't eat them. LOL. Of course I am sure your doggie is very nice and he wouldn't eat his friends. I hope your doggie will like my doggie Bailey. What is your doggie's name? Is he very big? I hope he likes little girls too. Thank you for visiting with me here, and I hope to see you in person very very soon! We can't wait! Love, Lily Grace and Bailey too! (and Mommie says "Me too!") xoxoxoxo

  8. What a lovely tea party your Mommy put together for you and your friends! Her love for you shows in the caring things she does. How is Bailey's puppy training coming along? Is all good on that front? He sure is a sweet doggy. Have a very happy and blessed week, Lily Grace!

    1. Good Morning Miss Diana! Thank you for visiting with me! Yes, we did have such a fun and lovely tea party. I think Mommie enjoys it as much as we do!! Oh, Bailey is doing just fine. She's so good, she even sleeps with me! I really love her so much. Thank you again for visiting. I hope you have a very nice week too. Love, Lily Grace and Bailey! xoxoxxo

  9. Oh what a delightful tea party! You and your friends are beautifully dressed for this special occasion in your finest green. ALl the American Girl dolls here say hello from Mia, Rebecca, Nelly, Samantha, Josefina, Kanani, Saige, Felecity, Molly, Kit, Julie, MaryEllen and Luciana. Your mom's teaware is beautiful. Tea partieis are the very best. Perhaps one day we may be able to join you.


I am so happy you have come to visit with me today. Please sign my little guestbook so I will know who you are and we can get acquainted!

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